Kilke launched a book called ‘Te Gèèèèèk’ in the Netherlands

In 2013 Kilke launched a book called ‘Te Gèèèèèk’ in the Netherlands. This was the result of a promise she made her father a few days before he passed away. As a birthday gift, she assured him she would do everything within her might to publish a book with a collection of the columns he wrote in the local and national papers over more than 20 years.

It has been a beautiful challenge and exactly a year after he breathed his last breath, she presented ‘Te Gèèèèèk’. Kilke’s father is from Dutch origin and “te gèèèèèk” is his signature exclamation that he used when he was extremely enthusiastic or passionate about something. It’s a saying that he is associated with and she’s taken over in the last few years.

The sale figures are beyond expectation, which of course is thrilling. The profit will be donated to a youth musical theatre company, including for underprivileged children, in the area where she grew up. A company her father was very passionate about. Companies like this are being threatened by extreme cuts in funding. This way, in the spirit of her father, Kilke likes to support and contribute to the new generation’s development in performing arts -at the same place where years ago she had the chance to step on the stage for the first time herself.

Kilke and her grandmother at the book presentation of Te Gèèèèèk – © Raphaël Drent